Friday, September 26, 2014

feeling disappointed and nervous this semis..

Problems..Problems..Problems.. I'm sooo tired..physically, mentally, emotionally.. Why the world seems so selfish to me? Why?  

I've done everything but it seems all that I've sacrificed and worked hard didn't turn out so well. I don't know what to do especially when I realized that my status this semi-finals isn't great. Why? I failed the blood banking exam! Huhuhu..

Whenever I think I'm gonna fail, I can't breathe. The thought of what would my classmates think of me and how would I break the news to my parents horrifies me. Am I that dumb enough I was not able to pass it this term? (sigh)

  • While I'm struggling to make our research done this month (because no one opted to help me) I think I can't have it too because we have to wait for a month for the needed chemical to arrive. 
  • I keep on telling myself to think positive but the negatives keep coming to me. I did well in Pre-lims and Mid-terms in my Seminar 1 when suddenly I was shocked on how I failed some quizzes and exams during the semis. 
  • I was not able to answer the first quiz in Blood banking. (but I studied hard, it's just that time was not just enough)
What an inconsistent student I am! I can't keep my grades high. I'm so stressed now and I don't know if I will be an intern for the next semester or not. Why things turned so complicated right now? 

Just like from the excerpt of the song 'I will sing' by Don Moen....
"Though I haven't lost my faith I must confess right now that it's hard for me to pray"
I still believe that good things will come at the end but on the other side, how will accept it (with open arms) if in case I'll fail? huhu.. I hope God will shower me the gift of wisdom to grasp things easily with full understanding.

Finals will be over in a week or two. Can I make it? Only me and my fate can answer it. I will cling to the LORD no matter what! If I will fail, then maybe there's a reason why.....

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