In this world, we are all SCHOLARS. We are even granted a full scholarship. Take a look in to every single thing that surrounds you, YES, these are our privileges! Privileges that we must have to take care and IF POSSIBLE, cultivate. If we think of it, we should attend to class, once a week listening attentively to the salient points the priests summarized from the scriptures. Exams testing our faith and strength come unannounced so we should brace ourselves to whatever problems we may encounter.
Just a question, when we commence into this world, how are we in terms of strengthening our faith on Christ and our fellowship with our brothers and sisters? Does the Lord God give straight As or merit those things we did?
Like the motivation and the hardwork we pour into every endevour, I hope that as we study the depths of Life, we may do our best in overcoming trials. Let's also prioritize our spiritual needs like what we do when striving for our career and financial security. Remember: The best things in life are not measured in numbers, It's about strengthening ourselves, touching lives of others and all that can't be seen but is felt, emotionally and spiritually. There's a second chance to every failures coz we can enroll again and review the mistakes we've done.