Sunday, February 3, 2013


Upon watching the movie entitled ‘Sicko’, we were appalled and at first couldn’t believe that America, one of the powerful countries in the world, would also have some problems in regards to providing a universal health care and services to their citizens. The idea never occurred into our inquisitive minds until this movie let us see the bitter reality what the aforementioned country is facing right now. We didn’t know that even in there, they were able to throw someone out just because she didn’t have money to pay the bill in the hospital and for us, it was a shocking revelation. We thought America couldn’t do that. At one moment we realized that if America had some shortcomings toward their health care aspect, how much the Philippines have! What do we know about how our healthcare insurance goes as they do?

We suddenly reacted to one of the clips in the movie where a man mended his wound by himself and to the part where the film maker gave the costs of operation if the patient will go on to the surgery of reattaching his fingers. It was sad that they had troubles in availing health care just because they didn’t sign up for an insurance. Then we ask ourselves, do we really need the thing? Also, we saw an elderly still working just to sustain their medicines because his health insurance couldn’t cover it up! We were confused, we thought that if we apply for a healthcare insurance, we will be able to get the benefits as well as the treatment we needed but sadly, it was not the case then.

Our hearts wrenched listening to each of the stories people were pouring out. We saw their pain, their loss and discouragements as they narrated how their health insurance worked when they needed it the most. The movie opened our blinded eyes why some insurance companies kept on denying applications that should have been their responsibility to save people’s lives and to prolong it. They should have the CONSCIENCE to help them, not to ignore them because they pay for it. We irked at the idea that when less care is given to everyone, the more profit they will produce. So that’s the reason why they keep on giving unreasonable excuses which we thought so immature.

Into the brighter side, we truly admired European countries who really prioritize the welfare of their citizens. We never imagined that their medical healthcare would be for free as well as their medicines in such a lower price. We were also amazed that their government finds a way to provide jobs and gets their youths a high quality college education for free! There’s a vacation allowance too. Upon knowing all of this, we were so curious we kept on saying we will be migrating there but then we realized that the people there also pay higher taxes in exchange to the privileges they were availing.

Well, It was nice to hear people saying they had a good life but then, sad but true, it is not always the case. As to the insurance companies, they should have the heart to serve other people if they also care for their family and to all that matters to them. This is not just the money they are generating but to think of the millions of members hoping to get help from them. For us, free healthcare is  for everyone. Whether you have an insurance or not, you have the right to get yourself treated. We think it is the government’s responsibility. If only our country will improve their ways of treating us, we will have a good life. No one will starve, no one will suffer, no one will be going home empty-handed and certainly we will be contented. Truly, we appreciated this movie for opening our eyes  into this matter. Kudos!