Thursday, November 14, 2019

Part-time drug analyst

When you realize that you need an extra money to get through each passing day, one job isn't enough. Much more you got bills to pay, you need to have an extra source of income. Just when I lost hope and nearly quit my job as a medical technologist at a hospital I suddenly found hope and got an opportunity to maximize being a drug analyst. So here I am, getting myself another part-time job being a drug analyst!

I left my previous part-time job because of many reasons: one is it cuts my budget. Going to and fro costs me 100 pesos so it's like that a considerable portion of my daily wage just went to fare. Also, it is a distance away from home. I need to get on a habal-habal, tricycle, and jeep to the clinic which is stressful. And one more thing, I'm just an on-call medtech. Meaning, I just get to work there when the medical technologist decides to take her day off.

I got this drug analyst opportunity when I and my friend went to LTO office to get a student permit. To obtain such, one must secure a medical certificate so we went to the nearest LTO-accredited medical/drug testing laboratory to get ours.

The process went smoothly, we easily got our medical certificate without a hassle. And just as we were about to leave, I asked one of the staff if they are still in need of a drug analyst when they said they do1

And that's when my drug analyst career started. 

I get paid hourly. My work schedule in the drug testing facility starts from 8AM till 12NOON so I work additional 4 hours in complement with my regular 2PM-10PM in the hospital laboratory. Sounds pretty stressful? Well, I just handled it for almost 7 months already and still coping up.


Having a part time job helped me to stay on my budget for a month. With my regular job paying on a 15th-30th scheme, my part time  pays on the 5th and 20th so I get to allocate what needs to be paid first. Not to brag but I can really say I don't feel much of the 'tingbits' times (that's when you're running out of money but you're trying to make ends meet). It somehow helped me to save money in various saving vehicles and treat my family to dinners as well.

As mentioned, I get to work 12 hours a day so usually I get home around 11 pm and wake up at 5AM to get ready on things. I got only few hours of sleep. True, it's stressing me out but I have no choice so I get sick sometimes. Because of this, I never forget taking multivitamins to boost my immune system and invest on affordable beauty regimens for me not to look haggard.

For me, being a part-time drug analyst is somehow a blessing. I got the opportunity to make use of my certification at the same time I'm well-compensated. I thank the management for considering me to work even just half a day. Also, I'm grateful to have such outgoing workmates in the place as well. Truly, a worthy experience!