NOTE: Hello, this is the story analysis about the play that I've watched. It's entitled 'Berde'. To know about the play, I think the details below can explain all about it. It is for reference purposes only.

1. The characters involved in the play
*Edwin Ocampo – is the main character of the story. He is a homosexual who has been in a relationship with a man named Butch for already eight months. The only child of the couple and is being pampered by her mother while his father was working. Despite of his mother's acceptance on his identity, his father didn’t accept him as who he is.
*Butch – is the boyfriend of Edwin. Since their first meeting in which Edwin had brought him up to his room he started to have mutual feeli
ngs with him. A gentle man who didn’t care what might others say about the relationship between him and Edwin.
*Charo Ocampo – a supportive mother and a loyal wife. She was the one who accepted her son’s true self despite of his husband’s disbelief that their son is not a man. She pampered his son since young and gave Edwin anything that satisfies him. Though she know that her husband is having an affair with another woman, she’s still loyal with her husband.
*Arman Ocampo – is the cold and oppressive father of Edwin. His plan of having his son follow his steps in the military platform dissipated after he knew that his son is acting strangely, for short, gay. Disappointed, he looked at his son’s gender difference as a disease and tries to consult it to a psychiatrist to undergo treatment. He eventually died due to heart attack after he had an argument with his son.
*Psychiatrist – the one the couple approached to, to let their son Edwin check about his condition.
2. The values that are being highlighted in the story are the respect of one’s dignity, close-family ties of a family, the importance of hdom to express one’s love to his own kind.
3. The moral issues that deviates the teachings of the church are that God only made man and a woman and that man and woman can only be united in the sacrilege of marriage.
4. As a student I can help reduce gender discrimination by treating gays and lesbians equal in rights and dignity. Equity in responsibility for household chores would be a start, so that women who work outside aren't responsible for the vast majority of the housework. A reduction in the number of assumptions that society makes would be good, too - so that fathers are called to pick up sick children from school and mothers are asked to coach sports teams. This would provide a model of equity to everyone involved and would help shape attitudes, leading to a more fundamentally equitable society.
5. Our discussions are somehow related to the play in a sense that the play shows how love conquers all. It crosses no bars and is prevailing. It was first time of me to witness an unusual love between two men. Furthermore, the previous stories we’ve read shows how love brings you to do unreasonable and criminal acts like what Edwin did when he threatened his mother to shot the gun to his head after the mother had refused to give a bigger sum of money just to run away with his man. I was able to relate in this one because it shows a strong conviction that what the characters were doing were right and that they didn’t break any law to be ill-treated or even excluded from the community.

6. Gender discrimination is a kind of act in which individuals of different views are not treated equal and are deprived from the society to express their feelings. While females have historically laid claim to the cry of unequal treatment, modern civil rights laws banning sex discrimination have been construed to protect males as well, especially in the area of employment.
Gender bullying, on the other hand, is any bullying behavior, whether physical or non-physical, that is based on a person's sexuality or gender. It is when sexuality is used as a weapon by boys or by girls.
Gender discrimination is rampant because the Philippines was ranked 12 out of 86 in the 2012 Social Institutions and Gender Index. The country was ranked 7 out of 102 in the 2009 Social Institutions and Gender Index. The 2011 Human Development Index (HDI) score for the country is 0.644, placing it in 112th place (out of 187 countries). The Gender Inequality Index score is 0.427. The Philippines' Global Gender Gap Index rating for 2011 is 0.7685, placing it 8th place (out of a total of 135 countries).
7. The reasons for the proliferation of hate crime are sometimes hate crimes are rigged when a person has no understanding of a race or religion, or something else, grows to be scared of that something. Later on, scare turns into hatred. It is when they are rigged when a person is often bullied and cannot stand it anymore, and their hatred has gotten to the extreme rate. And they fell like the whole world's against them.
8. The laws and bills that are pf other genders in our society are as follows:
The most important law covering gender discrimination on the job is the Civil Rights Act of 1964—specifically, Title VII of that act, which strictly prohibits all forms of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in all aspects of employment.
- An employee who alleges that his or her manager only promotes male employees and keeps females in entry-level positions.
- An employee who alleges that a manager or other person in power tells jokes or makes statements that are demeaning, insulting, or offensive to women.
- A manager who makes it clear, either through his actions or words, that he wants to have sexual relations with a female employee.
- A manager who asks inappropriate and unnecessary questions about a female employee's sex life.
- A manager who touches his female employees in inappropriate ways without consent.
Equal Pay Act officially gives everyone protection under the law in regards to equal pay for equal work, but inequities still exist in almost every employment sector.
9. In every problem there's a solution, so the following are mediums to reduce and further eliminate gender discrimination:
We could start by:
- Recognizing that international cooperation between Member States and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations is essential for effectively solving the problem of gender inequality. Convinced of the need to protect and assist all victims of sexual abuse due to lack of inequality, with full respectful of human's rights,
- Encouraging the governement to take appropriate measures to raise public awareness of the issue to discourage gender inequality around the world;
- Recommending that Violence against women should be addressed and recognized and get state support: access to medical assistance and psychological support
10. I believe that people form prejudices of others because based on my perspective, it is due to a combination of factors including both personal and political matter. On the personal side, one major factor is probably fear of the unknown (personal sense of security). It does bring a feeling of comfort, even if on a superficial level, if you are around people similar to yourself (at least from outside appearance) - suppose this is human nature in a way.
Stereotypical, prejudice, and discrimination will not be stopped if we stand by and choose not to take action. If everyone would start listening to each other to understand, and speak to be understood, maybe we could create a society founded in acceptance,peace and love instead of bigotry, hate and destruction. There is no doubt our world would be a safer place.
11. For me, if I would be the witness to an incident that resulted in the harms of others, I will surely stand for what is right. I will not turn back nor surrender in fighting. I will stop it as soon as possible and I will tell them that what they are doing is not right. It can't solve their problem because what good would it be to bring or commit such violences to other people?
12. We, the youth of our generation can promote justice and tolerance in our community by promoting respect for human life first and foremost, by setting an example with their own beliefs and actions. We can raise awareness of the plight of the poor in your home country and world wide. Speaking out against Human Rights abuses. Defending the defenseless and reporting any abuses you see in your personal life, including reporting child or elder abuse , and domestic abuse in your community. See if your can organize your classmates to adopt an orphange or an organization like Doctors without Borders, or a faith-based group like Feed the Children. There is a bottomless well of need in the world for those who wish to help
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