NOTE: This is a paper work that I passed last semester in our Philosophy subject. I posted it here to let you know about my thoughts and learnings for this subject.
As I was walking through the ropes of
hopelessness, the thorns of suffering and the whips of agony, I thought I would falter in just a minute. Seeing the uncertainties, I thought my life has lost its meaning. I was so frustrated with the myriads of questions left unanswered and I was feeling nauseated with all these chaos fluterring through my bloodstream. I'm now seeing life as more on following what has been customary for the sake of being good and just all. I belittled myself for being a worthless individual, being left out with no choice but to follow what I saw as a cycle of just humans. I realized that this life is boring and I couldn’t find its color anymore.
And just when I was about to relinquish my cloaked ideologies and all, there came a thought that there is still a way that I can express it and I could be able to establish what has been a mistake throughout my system. Something showed to me that I can somehow behold what I see as a fulfilling and meaningful life without the need of other people’s opinions or viewpoints and it opened my eyes to allow me see the reality. I have just unraveled the most important thing of being a voyager and that was when I took the Philosophy course this semester.
To start with, I was engrossed by how the word Philosophy has been defined. Philosophy, from its etymological meaning love of wisdom, was also introduced as the way of a meaningful life. It is not just about talking about your principles but it also talks about how you can develop your inner self in the society. At first, I was a little bit confused of what this subject trying to instill us because it is really out of touch with the reality but as the lesson went on, I was able to relate with it.
The purpose of philosophy doesn’t just limit to few but I would say it served a lot of things as we get through the stages of our lives. It enables us to comprehend ourselves deeper, to have a clear vision of what others have been thinking, to all matters that concern us and most especially about God in all of its aspects. All of this, Philosophy has the only capacity to give us the broader horizon of understanding and enables to encounter the diverse views because as what our dear philosophy teacher said that ‘the more you live, the more you love and that the more you love is the more you grow’.
Philosophy has caused me so much enthusiasm because I was able to know everything about myself and to note man's nature. This helped me to fortify my critical thinking and self direction. Truly I realized that you can’t expect people to agree for what you believe in because he has his own thoughts and opinions. Like all the philosophers, I understand that they have their own viewpoints how they see the world. If not with them, how can we establish or even notice what’s going on in our society? I wager that this is the time that we should apply our golden minds to awaken others who are still daydreaming of a utopian society that will never come.
As for religion, philosophy proved me right that religions are made to love one another and its purpose is to spread what God wants us to do and that is to do good and sincere things to humankind. It is not through violence to the extent of killing other people for the sake of God.
This discipline is trying to tell us things that concern most youths today and it's all about love and sex. Philosophy emphasizes the difference of love in an erotic and in an agapeic way. I understand that we, as human beings love not just to a person but it could be to an animal, an object, or an event. I just can’t simply define love because love can be seen more than its emotional feeling. Furthermore, love sustains human relationship with dignity and in depth as catalyst for change, development and achievement. Love is not just about physical attractiveness. It is a gift, an act of healing and growth. As I understood of sex from the discussion last meeting, it is not just a union of two bodies, but also a union of two hearts, of two minds and of two persons. I hope all the people get this thing right into their minds so as not to abuse the word love with sex for pleasure.
Everyday, when we wake up first thing in the morning there’s already a challenge being laid upon us. We just can’t say it will be another boring or a lousy day to go to school or to work because it is in our hands how we handle things differently with compassion. Love, as they say, is the driving force towards an object to unite with people. To harmonize the atmosphere, I learned that we can have this through meditation and as we all know, our spiritual beliefs can help us meditate by clearing up our minds and have a sense of virtue. We should understand and appreciate abstract concepts like beauty, justice, and love.
It is essential for us people to have our own philosophies in life because it teaches us how to live life in our own way. In dealing with other people, we should not fall easily to the lies of others. We should think and rationalize.
As a student, philosophy helped me to mold my naïve mind to a matured one because we can not deny the fact that we are getting older and human as we are, we change our perspectives time to time.
I really thank Mr. David Toring for his undying dedication to instill knowledge to us students to assess ourselves deeper . We never had any boring meetings with him because he made the subject philosophy an easier yet a fun one to study. May God bless you sir for your strong will to teach a multitude of students. More power!

hopelessness, the thorns of suffering and the whips of agony, I thought I would falter in just a minute. Seeing the uncertainties, I thought my life has lost its meaning. I was so frustrated with the myriads of questions left unanswered and I was feeling nauseated with all these chaos fluterring through my bloodstream. I'm now seeing life as more on following what has been customary for the sake of being good and just all. I belittled myself for being a worthless individual, being left out with no choice but to follow what I saw as a cycle of just humans. I realized that this life is boring and I couldn’t find its color anymore.
And just when I was about to relinquish my cloaked ideologies and all, there came a thought that there is still a way that I can express it and I could be able to establish what has been a mistake throughout my system. Something showed to me that I can somehow behold what I see as a fulfilling and meaningful life without the need of other people’s opinions or viewpoints and it opened my eyes to allow me see the reality. I have just unraveled the most important thing of being a voyager and that was when I took the Philosophy course this semester.

The purpose of philosophy doesn’t just limit to few but I would say it served a lot of things as we get through the stages of our lives. It enables us to comprehend ourselves deeper, to have a clear vision of what others have been thinking, to all matters that concern us and most especially about God in all of its aspects. All of this, Philosophy has the only capacity to give us the broader horizon of understanding and enables to encounter the diverse views because as what our dear philosophy teacher said that ‘the more you live, the more you love and that the more you love is the more you grow’.
Philosophy has caused me so much enthusiasm because I was able to know everything about myself and to note man's nature. This helped me to fortify my critical thinking and self direction. Truly I realized that you can’t expect people to agree for what you believe in because he has his own thoughts and opinions. Like all the philosophers, I understand that they have their own viewpoints how they see the world. If not with them, how can we establish or even notice what’s going on in our society? I wager that this is the time that we should apply our golden minds to awaken others who are still daydreaming of a utopian society that will never come.
As for religion, philosophy proved me right that religions are made to love one another and its purpose is to spread what God wants us to do and that is to do good and sincere things to humankind. It is not through violence to the extent of killing other people for the sake of God.
This discipline is trying to tell us things that concern most youths today and it's all about love and sex. Philosophy emphasizes the difference of love in an erotic and in an agapeic way. I understand that we, as human beings love not just to a person but it could be to an animal, an object, or an event. I just can’t simply define love because love can be seen more than its emotional feeling. Furthermore, love sustains human relationship with dignity and in depth as catalyst for change, development and achievement. Love is not just about physical attractiveness. It is a gift, an act of healing and growth. As I understood of sex from the discussion last meeting, it is not just a union of two bodies, but also a union of two hearts, of two minds and of two persons. I hope all the people get this thing right into their minds so as not to abuse the word love with sex for pleasure.

It is essential for us people to have our own philosophies in life because it teaches us how to live life in our own way. In dealing with other people, we should not fall easily to the lies of others. We should think and rationalize.
As a student, philosophy helped me to mold my naïve mind to a matured one because we can not deny the fact that we are getting older and human as we are, we change our perspectives time to time.
I really thank Mr. David Toring for his undying dedication to instill knowledge to us students to assess ourselves deeper . We never had any boring meetings with him because he made the subject philosophy an easier yet a fun one to study. May God bless you sir for your strong will to teach a multitude of students. More power!