Unlike everybody's impression about this movie, I probably have to go the other way. For me, it's thumbs down! Sad to say, it just wasted my money and it really broke my expectation that this movie could make me scream and shout in horror. Just because my classmates were making an impression that this movie would make you freak out of horror, we chose to watch this at school. I thought me and my friends would enjoy the thrills and the like when all we did was to wait for a VERY scary scene to come up. Well, you see the movie will make you nervous, will make you excited what would be the next but then it failed to make a shocking impact. I don't know how the scary thing affect to most viewers but I was really bored trying to connect how's the story going. (I hope you don't blame me for that).
For me, it was all throughout predictable. Aside from it is a demonic exorcism, it also involves paranormal activity which is for me a boring part to include. Well, I got so many questions about the doll, Annabelle. How is she related to the witch and whose spirit does this doll possessed? All these questions were hanging inside my mind that I even have to find the entire synopsis of the film. Even the ending is not that impressive at all. Sorry guys but I would prefer an 80's horror film like Hell raiser over this. The Conjuring is just OK but is not worth watching. 3 out of 5 stars for me.
I want more thrill,