Foreign students. Almost
everyday do we get across with this bunch of cool people in the campus. Oftentimes,
I feel I’m in a country not my own seeing them in groups most especially when
they converse in their mother tongue. Talking about unity in diversity, we can
find it here in Southwestern University.
It’s pretty amazing you see foreign nationals in the university like
Indians, Kenyans, Nigerians, Iranians, Nepalese, Thais, Koreans, Japanese, and
others to name a few getting along each other like going to school together,
studying in the library, eating in the canteen, or having a great time into the
different corners of the university. Only in Southwestern University you can
see a number of them, but we may not know, setting aside our amusement and all,
these foreign students have also one goal to seek and one dream to attain..and
that is to finish their degree and to serve the masses through the help of the
high-quality education our dear institution is instilling.
So basically, what comes
into our mind is that why these foreigners come to study in the Philippines? Why
education in our country to be exact? How
is coping up with our culture and how different is it with theirs? And a whole
lot more... We simply look in to how they deal with their day-to-day life
without getting deeper into their thoughts about our country, our people and our
education. Luckily, I met some of them
and when they come to tell me each of their stories, I realized this article
won’t suffice their gratitude and amusement. I had learned much from the
interview rather.
So much as we are interested
in their culture is also the eagerness of these folks to share and exchange their
way of life here in the Philippines. How they are getting along with things not
customary for them. As the new student, Esther 20 years of age, who is planning
to get nursing for the next school year, she can already see her future in Southwestern
I just like the school and I know they are offering nursing. I want to know more
about nursing and since I have a cousin here who’s already studying engineering,
i decided to come in here to study. This school is really ok and in terms of
education they said it’s very good. I don’t find it hard adapting to Filipino
culture since Filipinos are really friendly. They make life easier.
In the pursuit of success

My aim is to be a doctor. In my place, some doctors who are now successfully
working in hospitals are a graduate from Southwestern University. Through them
I chose this school. The Philippines is so nice. Yes, we sometimes find it hard
coping since we are from different places and culture, there’s the climate to
include. At first, everything was difficult but when we got used to it, it gets
easier as we continue. Now, I find Filipinos so great, kind, and ready to help
and share. As for the teachers, when we ask something, they are very
approachable. The libraries and laboratories are functional as well. I like the
curriculum and the course. All are pretty good and in free time, we stay around
like this (referring to the interfaith chapel).
But she pleaded for one
books... if we could keep them for a few days or weeks, then that would be
Gaurav, 18, along with
friends Dave and Chandhari are both Indians expressing how education here in
the Philippines is high-standard yet very affordable.
Before Southwestern University, education for me is too much costly. We chose
Southwestern University because they have a good name here. This school is very
nice. I just came to know the school from one of my friends. Well, I don’t find
it hard adapting because I’m up to it. The Filipino culture is not difficult since
I belong to an English medium but yeah there are some people who find it
difficult still. I have many Filipino friends and I can say they are well-mannered,
behaved and very nice people. We are in this school for almost two months and
things run smoothly for us.
But his appreciation towards
the faculty struck me the most:
faculties are superb. The students are very much impressed to them. They are
very helpful and their way of teaching is very nice. We are all known by our
faculties, they know our names.

My senior is a graduate from here. After he graduated in Southwestern, I saw
him very successful in life. I took medicine in Thailand before and in my old school
I have some problems. The reason why I chose to study here is that aside it’s
located in Cebu which is safer, this school is popular for those who want to proceed
medicine. As for the Filipinos, they are fun, they help me in studying, and they
really accommodate me when I’m doing something. The culture is the same, we
have foods like Lechon in our place also.
Just like Rijal, Nuttawut is
concerned about:
are too many students in the class. There should have more teachers to
accommodate students and the classrooms have to be expanded.
Erika, a student from Japan
grabbed the chance to study English in the country by availing the intensive
English Learning Program offered by Southwestern University.
SWU: the ground for world-class education
Those were just
bits of our lengthy conversations. If I were to account each of the foreign
students’ perspective, all of them will shout the same: That they were not
wrong in choosing the school for their dreams. Leaving their fate into the
hands of our dear faculties is something the school has to be proud of. Should
we be more open to them because we
are one regardless of the color of our skin or the religion we’re in. At the middle of each talk, I saw no differences in
regards to culture sensitivities and language barriers. More likely, they come
to embrace and love country already.