Tuesday, January 9, 2024

2023 Recap of events!

Since I don't have much time to blog anymore, I decided to visit this page and put my recap of what happened in 2023. Again, I got busy with work and I would rather rest on my days off.

The most important thing that happened this year is when my Green card approved. Yes, I'm already a permanent resident of the United States of America! I'm very happy and grateful for another milestone here in US.

Second would be quitting my first job and work at the competitor lab in town. It was the best decision I've made. Actually I'm now PRN at St. Luke's (the first one). I had every other weekend arrangement with them but it may change once I get fully trained at Mercy. Having two jobs helped me a lot as I earn more every month. Also, working with Mercy allowed me to expand my career growth as I'm now starting my training in Microbiology section. I've never been trained to reading plates so this is a new learning experience to me. Plus, my new coworkers are awesome too.  

Third is when I finally bought a car. His name is Remy, a 2017 Jeep Renegade. I decided to buy a car because my new job is 15 minutes drive away from the house. I'm very happy that I got Remy in a lower price. In November, I finally paid him in full. I'm debt free!

If you think it's all roses and rainbows last year, it was not. Last March, my father was rushed to the hospital. His gallstones got bigger! A procedure was done right away to lessen the condition. With the grace of God, he recovered.

Last year, Matt, Ruby and I traveled to places like Winnepeg, Arkansas, Florida, and Bahamas. It was my first time to get into a cruise ship on my birthday too. We went to Minnesota thrice last 2023.

With new kababayans (countrymen) who arrived this year, I've met new new people too.

All in all, 2023 was good to me. As the new year starts, I hope that I can still survive no matter what life throws at me but I'm looking forward to another memorable events and learning events! Bring it on!

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