Monday, April 8, 2013


For me, it was so heart-warming and I felt gratitude to what Mr. David Harwell had said. It was so delightful to have read such full of positive remarks from an expatriate even though our country is facing drastic problems both economically and politically. This is truly a love letter to us Filipinos and for those people whose hearts are bitter toward the brighter side of our country. 

I’ve never thought that from the sharp eyes of an American, he discerned OFWs as important, for their remarkable determination and perseverance. I really appreciated him that he acknowledged the sweats and tears of our OFWs around the world for their sacrifices they have endured just to give their family a comfortable living. That shows us that we value our family the most unlike the Americans who could just forget their family once they can stand up on their own. I totally agree with him that Filipinos who are working abroad are the strongest people because I have also my father, to set an example. I know that he works hard for us just to sustain our needs especially our future and even though he couldn’t bear to be miles away from us, he just look at it as a challenge to fight the longingness he felt to us. Furthermore, Mr. Harwell impressed me with his perception to Filipinos as being flexible and worldly, being able to endure the inevitable discrimination of other nationalities and our way of being happy despite of our dilemmas and tragedies in life. 

I think majority of the Filipinos really want the American dream but he emphasized that even though they get what they want like living in a cozy and big house, driving a luxurious car and be with fine people, their hearts are full with worries that reminds them that a part of the things they have acquired were from their mighty credit cards. So as to compare us Filipinos that even though we’re not financially rich but we still keep our hearts wealthy with love and affection from the people we love and I think that’s the most important thing of keeping this life blissful and valuable. 

I salute Mr. David Harwell for the love he gives into our country. It was no-doubt he was in love with it so much to its people whose smiles he adored the most. His love letter will not be possible if he resents our country but I look up to him for his deep appreciation for it despite of its flaws and all. Well, even though we cannot get rid of it as soon as possible, but rest assured that all the Filipinos will still be the same way all look at them such as accommodating, happy and most of all contented. I know not only Mr. Harwell feel the same way but to all those people we served, we cared and we loved. I hope that we can also see the positive side of our country as our next step towards progress and innovation. Thanks to you, Mr. Harwell!

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