Sunday, September 20, 2015

Be inspired to inspire

After passing the board exam, I was so overwhelmed to receive lots of messages from my relatives and friends. I never expected that some were so happy when they hear the news. I feel so glad knowing their prayers for me have been answered.

As I read all of them, I realized that I was not the only one being so happy with my success but others as well. I can't imagine how my relatives didn't doubt my abilities and keep on telling me that I can make it. Also, friends greeted me and even told me I serve as an inspiration for them. Wow! All of these comments make me touched. I don't know what to say and don't have an idea they look at me that way. I'm not a topnotcher by the way.

Well, the bottomline is apart of your sweet success are the people around you. Since day one you set foot on your arduous journey until the end, there were people who walked with you to reach your goal. Isn't much fulfilling on your part, people are so much happier just as you did?

A message from dear friend of mine, Jasper inspired me the most:

Lord, please make me an instrument to inspire more people. Lord make me humble at all times and please guide me all throughout. Thank you for giving me such wonderful friends. I know you'll be there for them just as you were there for me when I need you. This I ask in your name. Amen

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